STREETBALL4INCLUSION aims to give children at risk of socioeconomic exclusion in Italy and Spain the possibility to play 3-on-3 basketball in safe conditions and under the guidance of experienced coaches.
Tarjet groups
Specifically, we may identify two clear target groups.
The first one includes Roma children aged 13-17 at serious risk of social exclusion, living in the neighbourhoods of Cabañal and Malvarrosa, two areas in the province of Valencia (Spain), both characterised by a population with around 15% of immigrants and huge differences in economic income and social participation. Most of the participants live in families who face cultural barriers (due to their ethnic group), social barriers (based on their low economic level and different way of life), discrimination (towards Roma people, widely spread in Spain), economic barriers (because of the precarious labour conditions their parents) and health problems (as a result of all the previous factors). An overwhelming 14% of their families have at least one member who has or had judiciary issues.
The second group includes children aged 13-17 at risk of social exclusion, living in a vast rural area surrounding the municipality of Savigliano (Italy). The target population faces economic barriers (low-income families), difficult family situations or includes families of immigrants (mainly from Albania or North Africa), who face cultural and social barriers and, from the sport point of view, geographical barriers (absence of sport clubs in their area of residence).
Our project main aim is therefore addressing the “inclusion and diversity” priority of the call, by providing a safe and healthy environment in which the target children may share their free time with “mainstream” children coming from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
Of course STREETBALL4INCLUSION also addresses specific objectives in the field of sport, like encouraging the participation in sport and physical activity, promoting education in and through sport, combating discrimination, intolerance and racism and promoting sport values. Considering the socioeconomic background of the target population, it is easy to figure that formal education does not have on them the impact that is to be expected. Non-formal education initiatives like STREETBALL4INCLUSION have proven themselves extremely useful in the past from the pedagogical point of view. The hardship and emotional stress that the target children have to face in their daily lives tend to make them “kinaesthetic” learners, i.e. students who need to move to learn.
Nonetheless the focus is not only on values, but also deeply on health issues. While dealing with groups at risk of socioeconomic exclusion, physical activity, sport, healthy food and habits are, unfortunately, not of primary relevance. It is not by coincidence that childhood obesity is far more frequent among low-income families. The activities described in this project include not only basketball training, but also physical education and conditioning exercises, educational workshops on food, diet and healthy habits.
Furthermore at “Amik del basket” installations special vending machines will be set up with natural juice and biologic food, with the aim to foster the consumption of healthy food among the public.
STREETBALL4INCLUSION will also address the digital transformation priority, through the utilisation of tablets and apps that will enable our young players to effectively design, improve and implement their own basketball practices. The appropriate guidance will be provided by selected certified coaches and physical trainers with ICT skills. The children will also deal with 2.0 technology, by uploading posts, photos and videos to the project website.
As basketball natural language is English, being the NBA the most prominent league in the world, our project aims to improve foreign language skills in a kinaesthetic way, by replacing specific basketball vocabulary, expressions and short sentences with their equivalent in English. The two mobilities scheduled in M11 and M 23 will serve, among other things, to further improve spoken English skills. Last but not least, STREETBALL4INCLUSION also covers some of the environmental priorities, as the ground of the streetball courts will be manufactured by using recyclable material, both at the Spanish and Italian partners’ locations. The chosen material complies with safety regulations and offers high-level performance parameters.